Ex 4:10 - Case In Point

May God have ALL the glory, and leave me in rags of humbleness, and may my low estate bring him more glory still.

Location: Louisville/College Station, Ky/Tx, United States

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Friday, September 01, 2006

It would make him pull his hat over his eyes!

(Thomas Brooks, "The Privy Key of Heaven" 1665)

All Christians have their secret sins. Secret not only
from other men--but from himself! It is but natural for
every man to err, and then to be ignorant of his errors.
Every man's sins are beyond his understanding. There
is not the best, the wisest, nor the holiest man in the
world--who can give a full and entire list of his sins.

"Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from
secret faults." Psalm 19:12

"Who can understand his errors?" This interrogation has
the force of an affirmation: "Who can?" No man! No, not
the most perfect and innocent man in the world!

O friends! who can reckon up . . .
the secret sinful imaginations,
the secret sinful inclinations,
the secret pride,
the secret blasphemies,
the secret hypocrisies,
the secret atheistical risings,
the secret murmurings,
the secret repinings,
the secret discontents,
the secret insolencies,
the secret filthinesses,
the secret unbelievings,
which God might every day charge upon his soul?

Should the best and holiest man on earth have but
his secret sins written on his forehead, it would not
only put him to a crimson blush--but it would
make him pull his hat over his eyes, or cover
his face with a double scarf!

"Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from
secret faults." Psalm 19:12


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